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Conspiral Crossroads of Cutting-edge Production
It's improtant for musicians to stay in touch with other musicians (as well as living an ordenary life besides that). What's a do for one is allways a don't for someone else. Only it can be interesting to talk about it.

AltaVista the first one
Lycos The best known?!?
Yahoo! jippie
InfoSeek They chew it for ya

These are all sites I sometimes check:
plastikmanpage The most minimalistic master of acid 'n tekno
Alex Patterson & friends Most inspiring ambient-producer
The analogue digit-eater Belgian machinery: The Sherman filterbank
Warp The complete Warp-issues, homebase of xperimental architecture of autechre, boards and much more
Sound On Sound Magazine The Best producersmag in the world
Party-agenda Belgium A Brussels D'n'B-internetradio with an up-to-date-site!
N.E.W.S. A Belgian publisher
A message for you clickest clicks of all clicking
Bill Laswell's axiom-label Here you can find the most exquisit collection of modern recordings that past the fingers of this mutant producaurus

peace, love & you titty